If you have problems with Loading wild west town or any other Problems try the Following:
Step 1 :
Refresh your game if it's not helping see below !
step 2 :
log in and out of Facebook - didn't help ?
Step 3 :
try clearing your cache inside your browser
Every web browser stores web pages, images and other downloaded content on the computer. This is called the browser's cache. Clearing it occasionally or regularly can protect your privacy and free up some space in your computer. Since every browser is different, the following sections will outline the steps involved in clearing the cache for several popular web browsers.
Step 4 :
update your adobe flash in this link : http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/
Step 5 :
your flash is update but still having problems ? try to clear your flash cache see how in this link : http://www.simplehelp.net/2010/09/16/how-to-delete-your-flash-cache/
Step 6 :
did you check if your browser is update with his last version ? some browsers updated automatically while others not .
Step 7 :
Still having problems? try using a different browser and see if you still having problems :
From the three mainly used browsers being Firefox, Internet Explorer or Google Chrome, i have personally found that Google Chrome gives much better performance than the other two browsers and results in much less game refreshes and freezes. Firefox is currently the worse because it suffers greatly with filling your system’s memory with a large Firefox file that reduces the free available resources available for the system to perform tasks resulting in massive game lag . This gets much worse if you open other Firefox windows or tabs.
everyone’s personal preference for the internet browser they use is up to the individual, but when playing the i would definitely try using Google Chrome.
you don't like Google Chrome? - try to reinstall your browser
Step 8 :
If You see your game and computer Performance are to slow or the game not loading here is a Tip what you can do about it :
Manually cleaning out the Temp folder in Window XP is often a necessary maintenance step when the Windows XP Disk Cleanup utility fails to clean out the Temp folder automatically. Removing temporary files is a quick and easy task that can help save disk space and keep your PC clean of file clutter. Just follow the step by step directions below to manually clean out the Temp folder:
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Manually cleaning out the Temp folder in Windows XP usually takes less than 5 minutes
Here’s How:
- Click on Start and then Run.
- In the text box in the Run window, type %Temp% and click OK. A folder full of files and other folders will appear. All of the folders and files you see in this Temp folder are no longer being used by Windows XP and can safely be deleted.
- To remove individual folders or files, hold down your Ctrl key while left-clicking on each item you want to delete. Release the Ctrl key when you’re finished. To delete these items, hit your Delete key or choose Fileand then Delete from the menu.
- Confirm that you want to delete the files by clicking Yes on the Confirm Multiple File Delete window that opens.
- If you’d instead like to remove everything inside the Temp folder, choose Edit and then Select All from the menu. Note: If you’re prompted that there are hidden files in this folder, just click on OK to bypass the message. A few hidden files hanging out in the Temp folder probably aren’t important enough to worry about.
- Now that all of the files and folders are selected, hit your Delete key or choose File and then Delete from the menu.
- Confirm that you want to delete the files by clicking Yes on the Confirm Multiple File Delete window that opens.
- After all of the files have been deleted you can close the window and empty your Recycle Bin, permanently removing the files from your PC.
- You may receive a Error Deleting File or Folder message while the files are being deleted. This just means that one of the files is in use by a program right now. Click OK, close all open programs, and repeat the steps above. If you still receive the message, try restarting your PC and repeating the process again.
Also you can use Unlocker program to unlock all the files from your temp folder which gives you an Error Deleting file message find it in this link :
Step 9 :
Did you try turn off or turn on your antivirus and firewall ? sometimes doing so will help your game load better especially if you get the net 2 status error .
you can find your antivirus and firewall on your windows toll bar .
Step 10 :
Do you have too many neighbors? It can get your game with lags and errors, the limit is 500 neighbors - try to get rid of your non active players by removing them from My neighbors tab inside the game.
Step 11 :
games utilize JavaScript which is a client side technology. This means that the actual processing of some of the things that happen within the game will occur on your computer and not on our servers.
If you are experiencing difficulties loading our games or using features within our games you may need to verify that your current internet browser has JavaScript enabled.
Safari users please do the following:
- From the Gears Icon at the top right of your browser select the Preferences option
- Select the Security tab.
- Check Enable Javascript
- Close the Preferences window.
- Refresh/reload your browser window.
Firefox users please do the following:
- Select Options from the Tools menu
- Click Content
- Check Enable Javascript
- Click OK
- Refresh/reload your browser window.
Chrome users, as Chrome installs with javascript enabled and there is no easy security setting from which to alter this setting we must assume that your JavaScript is enabled.
Internet Explorer users, please do the following:
- Open the Tools menu.
- Select Internet Options, to open the Internet Options dialog box.
- Click the Security tab.
- Click the Internet symbol (a globe).
- Click the Custom Level button, to open the Security Settings dialog box.
- In the Settings list, scroll down to Scripting.
- Under Active Scripting, click the radio button to the left of enable, so that a colored dot appears in it.
step 12 :
The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is a common component in modern internet browsing and is used for many things, including playing games!
However, when the JRE updates, it does not always remove older components. Over time this can have an affect on your systems performance and ability to load games or other web pages.
It is a good practice and good for your system to clean up after the JRE from time to time by uninstalling and reinstalling the application.
To uninstall the Java Runtime Environment (JRE):
In Windows Systems, use the Add/Remove Programs Utility located in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel:
- Close any open programs you may have running, especially your web browser.
- Click Start > Control Panel or Start > Settings > Control Panel (depending on your configuration).
- Double click on the Add/Remove Programs control panel icon.
- Locate the entry for the Java Runtime Environment (or any Java entry), click on it and then click on theRemove button.
- Verify that all instances of Java have been removed.
- Re-boot your computer.
- To re-install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE):
- Open your internet browser and go to www.java.com.
- Click the Free Download button.
- The installer should begin automatically. If it does not, then select the manual download link and install the package from your desktop.
- Follow the prompts, agree to the license and select the typical install.
- Re-boot your computer.
step 13 :
Make sure you have all the right updates on your computer - like drivers, flash , Java , Quick time and your browser - to know if all your programs are update download and install this program : Update Checker <---Click Me The Update Checker will scan your computer for installed software, check the versions and then send this information to FileHippo.com to see if there are any newer releases. These are then neatly displayed in your browser for you to download.

If after trying all the above you still have problems please contact Support
Q: What information do I need to provide support when I email them?
A: When emailing support, please include a good description of the problem, what browser & version you are using, a screen shot if applicable, and your facebook account link.
Q: What is my facebook account link?
A: A Link to your profile page. It should look like this: http://www.facebook.com/{YOURNAMEHERE} (hoos edit: Or if you are viewing your own profile page, that's the link, so copy and paste the address in your address bar..http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=3XXXXXXXXX)
A: When emailing support, please include a good description of the problem, what browser & version you are using, a screen shot if applicable, and your facebook account link.
Q: What is my facebook account link?
A: A Link to your profile page. It should look like this: http://www.facebook.com/{YOURNAMEHERE} (hoos edit: Or if you are viewing your own profile page, that's the link, so copy and paste the address in your address bar..http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=3XXXXXXXXX)
Need Help or How to contact Support
If you need help for the game of Wild West Town follow the below steps.
Send an email to support at wild.west.help@clipwiregames.com with the following information --
1) The link to your profile
2) Last but not least, a good description of what your issue is and the name of the job you are working on.
Please allow 24 hours for a response.
If you do not have the above information included your email will not be reviewed.
thank you
Clipwire Games
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