Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Use The Cook House

*To cook a meal you must first have all the ingredients. Then you drag the number of veggies you need to the frying pan. For example, the Light Breakfast needs 3 eggs and one bean. Drag the eggs to your pan 3 times and the bean once. The COOK sign will pop up and you will need to click on it. It should take a few seconds but then a pop up should tell you that all of your unwatered crops are watered. Each meal needs different items and have different effects.

*I've also seen a few posts where they didn't know how to get a certain item....


Mutton Chops....Sheep
Bison Steak.......Buffalo
Pork Chops......Pig

Question..."I cooked the things to get crops to grow in one hour and my crops did not change. Does anyone know if I need to do something after I cooked?"

Answer....Normally growing crops makes them look all big and pretty. But if you use the cook house to speed things up, your crops will not look "grown". But if you hover over them, it will say you can harvest them. The way they look does not affect your harvest.

*You can cook each meal once every 24 hours. The clock starts when you cook a meal. Example...You cook the Light Breakfast at 10 am....You cant cook that meal again until 10 am the next day.

*Before you accept a neighbors help on your crops, make sure you don't need those crops for a quest. You MUST harvest crops needed for a quest yourself. If you let a neighbor harvest or water them for you then it will not count. If you are not on any quests, then feel free to let your neighbors do the work for you as you will receive the same things.

I use the cook house every day so feel free to ask any questions I haven't covered here. Or if you have any tips you would like to share that I haven't figured out yet, feel free.

* I jus saw another question.

When it says "All crops grow by one hour" it means that one hour has been deducted from your growth time. If your cooking carrots or any thing under them, then they will be grown instantly. But if your growing lets say wheat that takes 4 hours, then it will only take 3 hours instead of 4.

NOTE: When you cook a meal it is an active effect and not an item. That means that the action is carried out instantly. It does not create an item for later use.


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